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Miten sujuu Twisted Sister -vokalistilta musikaalinumerot, kuuntelu omalla vastuulla!

30.04.2012 klo 00.10 | Luettu: 1899 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Twisted Sister -ääni Dee Snider julkaisee 8.5 uuden albumin nimeltään "Dee Does Broadway"...ja kuten nimestä voi päätellä, luvassa on Broadway-klassikoita.

Dee Does Broadway:

01. Cabaret
02. The Ballad Of Sweeney Todd
03. Big Spender (with Cyndi Lauper)
04. Mack The Knife
05. Whatever Lola Wants (with Bebe Neuwirth)
06. Music Of The Night (with guest violinist Mark Wood)
07. The Joint Is Jumpin' (with Jesse Blaze Snider)
08. Luck Be A Lady (with Clay Aiken)
09. I Get A Kick Out Of You
10. There Is Nothin' Like A Dame (with the stars of "Priscilla Queen Of The Desert": Will Swenson, Tony Sheldon and Nick Adams)
11. Razzle Dazzle
12. Tonight/Somewhere (with Patti LuPone)

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V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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