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Skaten ääniraidalla suomiheviä

14.06.2007 klo 07.53 | Luettu: 3189 kertaa | Teksti: Manu Pärssinen

Electronic Arts on paljastanut lupaavalta vaikuttavan SKATE -pelinsä ääniraidan, ja siltä löytyy myös suomalaista osaamista. Children of Bodomin Hate Crew Deathroll liittyy skeittihenkiseen, mutta yllättävänkin sekalaiseen ääniraitaan.

Agent Orange - "No Such Thing"
Airborne - "Let's Ride"
Bad Brains - "I Against I"
Band of Horses - "The Funeral"
Beat Beat Beat - "Sinking Slow"
Black Flag - "Six Pack"
Booker T. & The MG's - "Green Onions"
Challenger - "Input the Output"
Cheap Trick - "Surrender"
Children of Bodom - "Hate Crew Deathroll"
David Bowie - "Queen Bitch"
Dead Prez - "Hip Hop"
Devo - "Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy"
Eddie Rap Life - "Push Your Wood"
Eric B. & Rakim - "Juice (Know the Ledge)"
Escalera - "Go It Alone"
Filthy Thieving Bastards - "Drug Lords of the Avenues"
Gang Starr - "Now You're Mine"
H.I.T - "Drama"
Mac Mall - "Perfect Poison"
Motorhead - "We Are Motorhead"
Nirvana - "Lounge Act"
N.W.A - "Express Yourself"
Renee Renee - "Stand Up Talk Easy"
Rick James - "Give It to Me Baby"
Rick Ross - "Hustlin'"
River City Tanlines - "Black Knight"
S.T.R.E.E.T.S - "Georgia St."
Sicker Than Others - "Face Away"
Sister Nancy - "Bam Bam"
Slayer - "Raining Blood"
The Briefs - "Poor and Weird"
The Coup - "Ride the Fence"
The Dwarves - "Massacre"
The Exploding Hearts - "Your Shadow"
The Falcon - "Blackout"
The Mag Seven - "Dick Cemetery"
The Ramones - "Psycho Therapy"
The Returnables - "Teenage Imposters"
The Sex Pistols - "Pretty Vacant"
The Stars Misplaced - "Prophets and Kings"
The White Stripes - "Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine"
Trouble Andrew - "Chase Money"
Valient Thorr - "Man Behind the Curtain"
ZZ Top - "Just Got Paid"

V2.fi | Manu Pärssinen
< Kulttuurisimulaatiot... Live: Marathon, Bomb... >

Keskustelut (1 viestiä)


Rekisteröitynyt 10.04.2007

16.06.2007 klo 11.37

Children of Bodom - "Hate Crew Deathroll"
Motorhead - "We Are Motorhead"
Nirvana - "Lounge Act"
The Ramones - "Psycho Therapy"
ZZ Top - "Just Got Paid"


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