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Videoblogi: The Games That Weren’t -kirja kertoo pelialan kadonneista mysteeripeleistä

17.07.2024 klo 09.00 | Luettu: 852 kertaa | Teksti: Jukka O. Kauppinen

The Games That Weren’t -kirja on jännittävää luettavaa. Se kertoo pelihistorian mysteereistä ja käänteistä, eikä vain niistä kaikkein tunnetuimmista hiteistä. Jokaista julkaistua peliä kohden kun löytyy tusinaa keskenjäänyttä projektia, puoli tusinaa vähintään prototyyppitasolle tehtyä peliä ja onhan siellä myös niitä täysin tai lähes valmiita pelejä, jotka vain jotenkin putosivat pelialan lattian rakoihin. Osa niistä on jäänyt mysteereiksi, osa on löytynyt ja pelastettu, jokunen jopa pelattavaan muotoon.
The Games That Weren’t -verkkosivusto tekee arvokasta työtä pelastaessaan historiaa, ja parhaimpia paloja porukan aikaansaannoksista on tallennettu myös kunnon paksuksi kirjaksi. Se se on kuulkaa niin hyvää luettavaa että.

Suora linkki: https://youtu.be/VO-_ZSrJl80
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(C) 2024 Mediapalvelut
Yhteistyössä: V2.fi

Toimittaja: Jukka O. Kauppinen
Grafiikka: Niklas Isberg
Intro/outro: Saku Tiainen, Antti Miettinen, Kraku

Frank Gasking
Bitmap Books

Providing illustrated snapshots of unreleased games dating from 1975 to 2015, The Games That Weren't is Bitmap Books’ biggest and most ambitious book to date. It includes a wide range of titles from the Atari 2600 right up to the Sony PlayStation 4, by way of arcade, home computer, console, handheld and mobile platforms. Years in the making, it's packed to bursting point with exclusive content, in-depth interviews and much more besides.
Many of these lost classics are expanded upon in detail, as we share the untold stories and recollections of those involved with their design and development, as well as shedding some light on intriguing mysteries along the way. Assets and screenshots – some of which have never been seen before – help illustrate the narratives, and in the case of games for which no images exist, there are specially-created artist's impressions that give a tantalising visual interpretation of what could have been.
Covering more than 80 games – including Star Fox 2, Green Lantern and SimMars – across a 40-year span, and packed with content such as five specially-created 'Hardware That Wasn't' blueprint pieces and interviews with industry legends such as David Crane, Jeff Minter, Matthew Smith, Dan Malone, Eugene Jarvis, Dylan Cuthbert, Andrew and Philip Oliver, Geoff Crammond, Scott Adams, Jon Hare and many more, The Games That Weren't showcases and pays tribute to well-known and not-so-well-known unreleased titles, as well as games you might never have heard of – until now. As if that wasn't enough, the book has been produced to the signature high standard Bitmap Books readers have come to expect, with eye-catching fluorescent colours and high-quality binding on superb paper stock, and it comes with a free digital copy, so you can take it with you everywhere.

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