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Peli-PR-katastrofi keskiviikon iloksi

28.12.2011 klo 15.44 | Luettu: 6745 kertaa | Teksti: Manu Pärssinen

Tässä vähän luettavaa iltapäivän ratoksi. Avenger-peliohjainten tekijä oli palkannut PR-firmansa avuksi toisen firman nimeltä Ocean Marketing. Kun ohjaimia ei alkanut kuulua luvattuna aikana, otti yksi ennakkotilaaja firmaan yhteyttä ja vastaus ei ollut aivan odotetunlainen, vaan lähempänä teini-ikäisen trollin sanailua.

Penny-Arcadekin sekaantui asiaan ja kirjeenvaihtoa voi seurata täältä.

Lopulta kyseinen Paul firmansa kanssa sai potkut, mutta ei ennen kuin internet ehti tarttua asiaan:

V2.fi | Manu Pärssinen
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Keskustelut (4 viestiä)


Rekisteröitynyt 11.04.2007

28.12.2011 klo 16.21

I just wanted to post an update with some of the stuff that has happened over on my end with regards to all this Ocean Marketing stuff.

Around midnight last night Paul sent me a mail saying that I could expect to hear from their attorneys. As of right now that still has not happened and honestly I don’t expect it will. Our attorneys (who are real people with an office and everything) are ready should it get to that point though.

At 7:12am this morning I got another mail from Paul. It was one line and simply said:

“You have the power Mike Please make it stop”

The reality is that once I had posted the emails I didn’t have the power anymore. The Internet had it now and nothing I said or did was going to change that.

An hour later I got a more complete apology:

Hey Mike,

I just wanted to apologize for the way our emails progressed I didn’t know how big your site was and I really didn’t believe you ran Pax , So for what’s its worth I am very sorry. Your post has obviously made my life very difficult and I have not slept yet dealing with all the spam and personal information intrusion as well as my family being smeared on the internet.

If you can please accept my apology and anything you can do to help if not me my son and wife please do. I have apologized to Dave and apologized to you what else can I do please tell me so I can make things good. I obviously care or I would not be emailing you.

I think there is a big difference between being sorry and being sorry you got caught. I have a real problem with bullies. I spent my childhood moving from school to school and I got made fun of everyplace I landed. I feel like Paul is a bully and maybe that’s why I have no sympathy here. Someday every bully meets and even bigger bully and maybe that’s me in this case. It’s the same thing that happened with Jack Thompson. It might not always make the most business sense and it is a policy that has caused us some legal problems, but I really don’t give a shit about that. When these assholes threaten me or Penny Arcade I just laugh. I will personally burn everything I’ve made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames.

-Gabe out


uutisessa mainitun linkin viestittelyt ja ylläoleva tuli lukaistua eilen. Hieno mies tämä Paul :D

Rekisteröitynyt 17.03.2009

28.12.2011 klo 17.18

Steroideja tai kokaiinia, tai molempia.

28.12.2011 klo 17.37

Miksi ottaa tälläinen nokkadaivaus urassa? Sitä paitsi, customer is always right.

28.12.2011 klo 22.07

gametrailers foorumilta saapi lisää infoa asiasta


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