Nääh, Portalin idea on kopioitu suoraan tenkoyix no mora planet taidoge rund wedoi -pelistä. Itse kehittelen kyborgi pelikonsolia jolla voi teleportata toiseen maailmaan!
20.04.2011 klo 21.03
Adobe Flash Player 10
A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script? [Yes] [No]
- Audition Season 2
- Scene Group
- Ikea
- Keno veikkaus
Keskustelut (10 viestiä)
19.04.2011 klo 22.23
20.04.2011 klo 02.10
Rekisteröitynyt 10.04.2007
20.04.2011 klo 11.51
20.04.2011 klo 12.04
20.04.2011 klo 15.27
Rekisteröitynyt 06.04.2011
20.04.2011 klo 18.22
Rekisteröitynyt 27.06.2007
20.04.2011 klo 19.12
Tuli iso JYTKY
Here cometh the kids.
20.04.2011 klo 19.52
20.04.2011 klo 21.03
A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script? [Yes] [No]
- Audition Season 2
- Scene Group
- Ikea
- Keno veikkaus
20.04.2011 klo 23.13
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