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Halo 3 beta alkaa ensi kuussa

10.04.2007 klo 23.45 | Luettu: 1570 kertaa | Teksti: Manu Pärssinen

Toukokuussa Halolla päähän.
Tässä ne tämän viikon ennakkoon luvatut 'isot Halo-uutiset' sitten ovat. Niinkuin ainakin itsekin arvelin, julkistuksen kohteena on Halo 3:n betatestauksen alkaminen ja päivämääräksi on pläjäytetty 16.5.

Muutamia otteita pressitiedotteesta:

When gamers gather online to play the multiplayer beta via Xbox LIVE in May, they will be treated to three richly detailed, action-oriented maps: Snowbound, High Ground and Valhalla, which represent a mixture of large- and medium-scale combat environments and are brand-new to “Halo 3.” Each map will test gamers’ mettle as they are placed behind the controls of new “Halo 3” vehicles such as the agile Mongoose all-terrain vehicle, and armed with deadly weapons such as the new and improved Assault Rifle, the ferocious Brute Spiker, the devastating Spartan Laser and the treacherous new Spike Grenades.

In addition, gamers who can’t wait for the multiplayer beta this May can get an even earlier look at “Halo 3” with a new, behind-the-scenes video feature available at http://www.bungie.net and in high definition over Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

V2.fi | Manu Pärssinen
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