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V2.fi jakaa taas virtuaalitavaraa

Manu Pärssinen

04.04.2012 klo 11.36 | Luettu: 3595 kertaa | Teksti: Manu Pärssinen

Terra Militarikseen

V2.fi ja gPotato tarjoavat V2.fi:n lukijoille kamapaketteja Terra Militaris -peliin.

Yli 10 euron hintainen virtuaalitavarapaketti sisältää seuraavaa:

- 5 kpl Primary Building Book (Reduces the duration of building tasks by 15 minutes)
- 2 kpl Intermediate Building Book (Reduces the duration of building tasks by 1 hour)
- 1 kpl Recruitment Order Pack (Contains 20 recruitment orders. Each of those refreshes the selection of heroes in the tavern)
- 1 kpl Primary labour book (After using this item, production of food, stone, lumber and metal is increased by 25% for one day)
- 1 kpl Small Experience Orb (When equipped to a Hero, it will automatically store Exp gained from battling NPCs and The Ladder of Arcadia to transfer to another Hero. Can hold a maximum of 1,000,000 Exp, and can be used up to 5 times per day)
- 1 kpl Grain Cart II (Increases the maximum food which units can load for marching by 10,000. Item is stackable and remains in effect until returning to the castle. Activate in the Hero’s Marching Interface)
- 3 kpl Practice Arena (Allows players to station a Hero in the City Defence Office for 24 hours. While there, a Hero will automatically receive experience points, which will be calculated according to the Hero’s level. Players can simultaneously provide practice arena for up to 6 Heroes)
- 1 kpl Advanced Hero Experience Book (Increases all Hero Experience gains by 100% for 6 hours)

Koodi annetaan 50 ensimmäiselle, joka lähettää vastauksen seuraavaan kysymykseen yksityisviestinä Manulle 8.4. klo 23:59 mennessä.

Jos voisit hallita jotain muinaista tai nykyistä kansaa tai valtiota, mikä se olisi?

V2.fi | Manu Pärssinen
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